Saturday, August 17, 2013

Going gluten, egg and milk free...

I've always loved the saying "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade". Well we've gotten some lemons recently. Julius has some severe allergies, well at the moment officially only birch and horse but last Monday the buys were a bit fluish still from the previous weekend's flu attack so they stayed home from daycare for an extra day. Julius woke up from his nap screaming "äiti, there is blood everywhere!" The few seconds it took me to run upstairs were torture, with all the scenarios in my head I was relieved to find both kids in one piece. The relief was short lived when I saw Julius' neck. I was bleeding and had no skin at all. While I was able to get the neck healing now his whole body reacted, and badly. Tuesday the situation looked like this

So I thanked God for insurance and got him a private doctor since the public side would just take too long. Thursday we went for loads of blood tests and while we are still waiting for results the doc put him (but in reality the whole family) on a strict diet. No dairy, no wheat, oat, rye, barley or egg. The trip got the shop was a bit of a disaster, but we're adjusting. The good news is that after two days on this diet he look like this:

The improvement is amazing. I'm just praying it lasts and that we would finally find a reason for it. I'm sick of hearing the words atopic eczema because I firmly believe (I know I'm not a doctor) that there has to be a trigger and a reason for this. While I never wish for my little man to have allergies or have gluten issues, it would be a huge relief to find a reason. Luckily we have so many options nowadays and Finland is well supplied in gluten free products. After a while, I think it will be easy enough to deal with. Thanks to facebook I got so many comforting comments that now I feel like it is not a big deal, and that it seems that almost every family has to deal with something like this...


  1. Wow I totally agree! I got sick of listening comments on atopic skin or baby eczema! We got initial blood tests as a start and clear antibodies against milk, soy, sesame seeds, egg white, peanuts, oat, wheat etc. Now waiting to get to skin prick tests..I hope things are getting better with you! It all seems really challenging and tough in the beginning but in the end you start enjoying all the new flavours and products you eat. Gluten free bread is easy to make and all sort of rice dishes are safe and nutritional too with some veggies . Coconut milk, rice milk or soy milk are good alternatives and in the end who needs dairy, is it even natural to drink cow's milk that is meant for its calf, that is what I have started to wonder...Smooth skin, happy baby (child) that is what I have learned! All the best and you will see in a few weeks your child is like a new person when the skin is healed!

  2. Hey kiva löytää sun blogi ! Meillä on monta yhteistä tuttuakin mutta sua en oo koskaan tavannut. Hienoa että olette löytänyt apua ihonhoitoon. Itsekin ole atoopikko ja nuo kuvat oli tuttu näky. Halusin vinkata että jos iho menee rikki niin kristallideo tai kidedeodorantti on tosi hyvä apu. Se on luonnonkivi joka kastetaan veteen ja hiotaan ihottuman psäälle. Se puhdistaa ja parantaa ihovsuriot luonnollisesti ja nopeesti. Meillä käytetään tätä ! Toimii myös hyönteispuremiin(ei kutita) ja dödönä voi käyttää... toivottavasti bloggaat tanzaniastakin päi, olisi kiva kuulla arjesta siellä. Meidän toinen kotimaa on kenya :)

    1. Heippa Jenni, kiitos vinkistä. Vaikka kaikki menee nyt paremmin sitä ei koskaan tiedä mikä sitten taas pahentaa tilanteen.. Ja ehdottomasti jatkan sieltä kirjoittamista, niin jännä vihje elämässä että haluan kirjata kaikki ylös;) ja siellä ollessa kaikenlainen vertaistuki on varmaan enemmän kun tarpeen :)
