Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Enrique Iglesias held my phone!

The show was great! I know Im like two weeks late with this post but Ive been so busy with the move and the gymnastics competition last weekend that was not able to make it before this. Not a super fan, he was really able to grab my attentions as well as everybody elses. Been to a lot of concerts and most of the time Ive had fun, but someone to entertain me as much as he did while I only know his biggest hits it's amazing. And to be able to share it with my baby... what else do I need for Vappu? (wanna see this moment of him throwing my phone back like it's a toy go to

The apartment is coming together. The walls are all done, tomorrow we'll get new doors for most of the closets, and friday it's shopping time.. nothing much to buy but a trip to IKEA is on the to-do list. I just hope to get everything done, so we can finally invite people over for a house-warming party.

Right now I am in the process of choosing colors for bathrooms... any ideas?