Friday, October 24, 2014

my minimalistic life

If someone who read my list of 32 random things noticed, I have found a new passion :). Minimalist life. I have come to the realization, that having more does not make me happy. Having more in fact just creates trouble. More things to organize, wash, clean etc. In the modern society "having things" seems to be associated with success. Status. Definitely not with need. We all aquire things: more clothes (that probably don't fit), more kitchen stuff (just because, you know, IKEA), toys (to stay with the it thing), cars, electronics, games etc etc. The list is endless. And no I have not gone insane, but living now almost 11 months with whatever fit the luggages, has made me realize that we don't NEED so much. We will still have stuff, but only necessary ones. "minimalism is not the lack of something, it's the perfect amount of somethig". That coins it perfectly.

resolution #1, start with myself

Have you ever been on a holiday, and thought how easy it is to get dressed because everything you have fits you? or matches? So howcome we keep filling the closets with things that don't fit or match? The research says that most people use 20% of their clothes 80% of the time. My first goal is to have enough clothes to last two weeks (laundry cycle without a machine is sooo slow) but they should all fit. I've purged my closet several times, but I know there's still some stuff that "maybe will fit me if I just...". Now it is just going to be what I wear and a couple of fancy party dresses (the Tanzanian's love love love their fancy parties). Don't worry, the good thing is that there is plenty of people willing to take the clothes that I don't wear anymore off my hands, so they won't be wasted. 

I will also start my pinterest board of creating that perfect wardrobe, so I won't be swayed from my mission by some sweet sales on things that are never worn. No shopping for now. Just clearing. Then time will tell me what do I really need to add to the mix. Those moments I will save for Finland visits to buy  good quallity, or to visits to a tailor (a dress made to match costs about 7 euros here). 

How is your closet? Does the statistic apply to you?

Monday, October 20, 2014

Miss Lilli

I forgot to share the newest addition to our family: miss Lilli.

She is the cutest little thing and so kind with the kids. Funny story behind adopting Lilli. A few days after we came back we went to play with the Karani family at Seacliff. This is one of the only places to play in Dar - there are no parks around for kids. It costs 3000 TZS (1,5€) and is a gated are so the kids are safe, bonus is that there is a foodcourt so we usually combine Sunday lunch with the games. Everyone is happy. Anyways back to the original story, there was a litter of the cutest little kittens at this play area. Our kids have wanted a cat awhile, but I've been hesitant because of J's allergies. The kids were mesmerized over the kittens. After a few days I just said tha hey, J has been doing super good so why not. We can always take it to Afrikka. 

I've been following the amazing job that Tanzania animal welfare society does for a while now so I decided to check if they had any kittens available. Funnily enough the kittens were the exact same ones from the Seacliff playground! We went to see them and Lilli immediately connected with J. She followed after him when he left the room, and that sealed it: that would be the kitty for us.

Kids love her and she shows endless patience with them (read M, he can be kind of rough on her showing his love). I think it's a good lesson on caring other beings and learning how to treat animals - not always clear in this country.

Here some touching moments shared with the little Lilli. Taweso actually used some pics in a campaign to attract more adopter's. That gives me a warm feeling inside <3

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Trying new things, and finding myself

This year has been hard, and amazing, and amazingly hard. While I think we actually haven't struggled with culture shock, and there haven't been any major happenings, it is still hard. I don't know if I know how to explain it, I feel like making the big move, both physical and mental, has changed me and forced me to look into the mirror.

And while it has been hard, as I said it also has been amazing. Living in a new country, facing new situations has forced me to find myself. I've been on this path for a couple of years now, but coming here actually has escalated the process. I realize I don't know myself very well. I don't know if you do, but I suspect that many of us haven't had the time to think about it for quite some time. Here are 32 silly but important facts that I have discovered this year.

    One of the most amazing moments in my life. This beach was truly untouched, the sand so soft that you sink in by 30 cm with each step and the water so hot as if you are taking a bath. Yes, I swam with my clothes on, I wasn't about to miss that opportunity.

1. As I am writing this I am 32 years old. I feel old and young at the same time. Random.
2. I try to exercise 5 days a week, but most of the time it's more like 3 times a week.
3. I would love to buy all organic, but unfortunately relocation and limited funds have made this impossible.
4. I admire minimalistic living. I am trying to find my way in that world myself. Since our possessions are actually very limited it is more about fighting the feeling that I need to buy this, that or something else. I am doing excellent in my closet, not so well with house decor. 
5. I struggle in new situations, but once I put my gameface on I can get things done.
6. I miss my family a lot, almost as much as my bathtub ;)
7. My mothering skills are put to test in the heat of Dar es Salaam. A/C or seabreeze makes me a better mother.
8. I was able to go from idea to execution with starting my own gymnastics club within 3 weeks.
The kids loved their first class. There is almost 60 kids enrolled in the classes.
9. My hair is curly now. And I love it.
10. I use baking soda, vinegar, soap and oil as part of my beauty routine for my hair and skin. They are doing better than ever.
11. I still struggle to breath through my mouth, I suspect it is because of my years of thumb sucking. This made snorkeling extra hard, but I loved how I was able to face my fear, just to get that amazing experience.
12. I still don't know exactly what do I want to do in my future, but when I picture it, it's starting to look like a fuzzy water color picture. So I am on the right path.
13. I am happier now living our simple life, than I was in my big new house, driving our big new car. 
14. I am more connected with my life than I was in Finland.
15. I get physically sick if I push myself too much. Fever, nausea, you name it. I have learned to pace myself. A little.
16. I start biting my nails and sweating immediately when I have to think about money stuff.
17. I am trying to start budgeting our spending. I want to be in control of my wallet, not the other way around.
18. I want want want to go to Finland over christmas, but I am trying to be reasonable about it. We will try our best.
19. Pinterest is my newest addiction. I can get lost in it, but try to control it to times when kids are sleeping or not around.
20. I am grateful that the kids have "Afrikka", what they call their grandparents place, and that it is a 5 minute drive from home. They love to go there, there is always alot of people to take care of them.
21. I am trying to do new things in my life. Next year I want to commit into a swahili class and pole dancing class.
22. I am in love with passion fruits. They make my day and luckily are super cheap.
23. The next thing I want to buy is an oven. But I am battling in my head on is it practical, do I really neeeed it, or do I just want it (this atleast shows some personal growth). 
24. My kids are turning into big boys, and I am desparate to have another baby. (Trying to quiet this need for a while still. I don't think we are settled in yet, and I'm definitely not ready to start the vomit fest again.) 
25. I have realized that all of my business passions will not be fullfilled with one job. I will need to combine many different jobs.
26. I am learning about social media as a business tool. It is suprisingly hard.
27. I painted our wall with a beautiful three colored geometric design. It was the first time I painted a wall.
28. Knowledge is a strange thing. On the other hand I love it, on the other hand it fears me. 
29. I love the new design of my blog. If only I could figure out how to edit the menus.
30. I love doing things by myself (llike painting the wall), so much here requires still help from other people, so my little DIY's make me feel empowered.
31. I love my husband and kids more than anything. The best moment of my day is saying I love you and they reply alot alot alot or infinity much <3
32. My new motto is fake it 'til you make it. Starting new businesses, in a new market make it very handy. :)

    My very first snorkeling :) definitely won't be the last. I saw a purple sea star immediately after entering the water..

Monday, October 6, 2014

Day 3

I survived. Day three. Only 37 to go ;). I also did a warm up. Helped maybe a little but still feeling too sore for some reason. My hands are far from the ground, while that's normally super easy. But done. At 6:30am.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Day 2, done

I am do proud of myself. Even though we woke up to neighbor's kids brining us Eid celebratory cookies and cakes I switched to my gear and did my sun salutations. Outside. The people around the LOCAL neighborhood must be thinking I've gone crazy. Although, two weeks ago I was sanding pallets and a week before that painting a wall, so crazyness of the muzungu is not anything new.

I'll give those stories later...

Back to yoga. Little more flexibility than yesterday, still feel like I should warm up though... And I know, the salutations are the warm up. But at this state of laziness they are my workout :)

Happy Eid!
My new best friend :)

Saturday, October 4, 2014

My challenge: greet the sun 40 days in a row

I know I haven't been writing and there is a longer post coming soon about our life but today I am declaring my challenge. While Päivi was in Tanzania she was teaching yoga for us, and while the elements are not far from gymnastics it is a whole new world for me. My budget doesn't allowe me to participate in the muzungu priced yoga classes here in Dar so while she travelled I decided to challenge my self. They say it takes 30 days to learn a healthy habit - I am adding extra 10 just to be sure. Each morning I will do the sun salutations (5+5) for 40 days... And report/follow up here because I need somewhere to report..

Day 1: ugh. Howcome my muscles are soooo tight? I did it. Was fun. j: why are you putting your legs into a hole - seems like I invented a new yoga pose "the hole"