Friday, October 24, 2014

my minimalistic life

If someone who read my list of 32 random things noticed, I have found a new passion :). Minimalist life. I have come to the realization, that having more does not make me happy. Having more in fact just creates trouble. More things to organize, wash, clean etc. In the modern society "having things" seems to be associated with success. Status. Definitely not with need. We all aquire things: more clothes (that probably don't fit), more kitchen stuff (just because, you know, IKEA), toys (to stay with the it thing), cars, electronics, games etc etc. The list is endless. And no I have not gone insane, but living now almost 11 months with whatever fit the luggages, has made me realize that we don't NEED so much. We will still have stuff, but only necessary ones. "minimalism is not the lack of something, it's the perfect amount of somethig". That coins it perfectly.

resolution #1, start with myself

Have you ever been on a holiday, and thought how easy it is to get dressed because everything you have fits you? or matches? So howcome we keep filling the closets with things that don't fit or match? The research says that most people use 20% of their clothes 80% of the time. My first goal is to have enough clothes to last two weeks (laundry cycle without a machine is sooo slow) but they should all fit. I've purged my closet several times, but I know there's still some stuff that "maybe will fit me if I just...". Now it is just going to be what I wear and a couple of fancy party dresses (the Tanzanian's love love love their fancy parties). Don't worry, the good thing is that there is plenty of people willing to take the clothes that I don't wear anymore off my hands, so they won't be wasted. 

I will also start my pinterest board of creating that perfect wardrobe, so I won't be swayed from my mission by some sweet sales on things that are never worn. No shopping for now. Just clearing. Then time will tell me what do I really need to add to the mix. Those moments I will save for Finland visits to buy  good quallity, or to visits to a tailor (a dress made to match costs about 7 euros here). 

How is your closet? Does the statistic apply to you?

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