Thursday, April 17, 2014

life lessons on friendship

moving to the other side of the world has had its ups and downs. leaving all of my friends behind was definitely a downside to the change. it has been a learning experience on friendship over the last six months, starting from how do people react when you say you are leaving. some are exited for you, some not so much.

interestingly some friendships, i would say the true ones, have grown stronger, i feel just as connected as i did in Finland even more so somehow. but then there are those friendships that even before i left i started to feel them cool down. i don't open up easily, and it is very hard for me to trust anyone fully, and yet each time that i get disappointed it still hurts. i feel sad for these friends that i thought i had made for life, who have felt the need to shut me out of their lives. nothing is ever permanent, and for me the boundaries of friendship should not be only physical, and a true friend can be there for you over the phone, email or just in thoughts. 

i'm glad i still have my true friends back home, waiting and asking when will we be vising, booking skype appointments etc. i know that those friends will be there for me no matter what. and i hope they know that i will also be there for them, always.

Love yourselves. And love each other. Happy Easter everyone!

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