I know, I know, I know... I've been dead quiet for a very long time.. Everything is fine it's just that I've been spending most of my time getting to know many toilets of Finland. If the information has not yet reached you I am pregnant. And while it's amazing and wonderful and I can't wait for our little baby to come out already for me this time hasn't been the most enjoyable of my life. I know some women get to experience that, but I've been following my mother's footsteps and vomiting all the way through. So, for me, at the moment, I am super anxious to get through this part. Part of me is worried that because this is not getting any better that by the time I start feeling better I'll be huge and suffering from many other things. Don't get me wrong, we're both very happy and feel truly blessed. I just wish I could feel blessed in somewhere else than a toilet.
First official belly photo. I've been lazy about them but realized this morning, that if I plan on seeing any progress I better start. I feel huge already....
This one is the weirdest for me. I'm lying down on my back, before breakfast... Looks like some alien trying to push through (comment made by my lovely friend) but she's right. I know I'll get used to it, but still... It's not like this every morning, I guess our little Tiger was just streching out the living quarters :D