Sunday, August 25, 2013

Julius is (almost) three!!!

I told the guy I want to take a picture of him as a three year old.. This is the pose he decided would suitable. I think the guy wants to be a model or something. Where on earth does he come up with this stuff, is beyond me.. 

He is the kindest, most loving little boy that I know. He is 99cm tall and weighs just under 15 kg. tall and thin like his baba. While we struggle with his health, he still enjoys life. At the moment he is missing his baba a lot, and this comes out as a lot of äiti hold me, don't leave me etc. but in general he is a happy little boy.

At three years (well almost) his absolute favorite person is uncle Miikka. Whenever he visits is like a Christmas and birthday put together. Julius still love music and really enjoys dancing and acting. We often get to witness elaborate scenes from Risto Räppääjä or Fireman Sam, costumes and all. He gets too much tv time, but I justify it to myself with the fact that unless he is sick, he never sits and stares, he is always too busy to act it out himself.

Julius, my little angel, have a happy birthday! Äiti and baba love you very very much. You express the purest joy whenever you see something that you like. Your face lights up and makes the whole world shine a bit brighter... Never let that go!

1 comment:

  1. Hurmaava poika ja upea poseeraus! Hienoa, kun lapsi saa itse valita, miten haluaa tulla kuvattavaksi, eikä aina mennä aikuisten mielen mukaan.

    Ja ihana postaus äidiltä. :)
