Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Ámate, part 2

For the past few weeks I have been asked "did you lose weight" about 100 times. And I have no idea. I have no scale, my mirror is 20 x 30 cm, so in the traditional sense I have no idea. Yes the clothes feel loose but coming from a culture where I used to weigh myself atleast weekly, it feels rather strange to not know.

A year ago when I moved to tz I know I dropped some kilos. But some of them came back when I spent the summer in Finland. The way I eat there just doesn't seem to suit me. Toward the end of last year we did a work related photo shoot at the beach and to my horror when I was going through the pictures I had been captured in my bikini. I was not very happy about how I looked in those pics. 

I can't say that I was very big, I was just not in any shape at all. Like a 20 min walk would exhaust me. But the funny thing is I didn't go on a crazy diet/fitness frenzy, but slowly learned to love this Maiju and take a better care of this Maiju. 

A few weeks later I started to coach again and beginning of this year found a sport that I truly enjoy: pole fitness. For the first time in years my lifestyle is active. It's not a plan to get fit for the summer, or for anything else. Just being more active and eating loads of good fresh food. (It doesn't hurt that a plate of fresh octopus costs around 4 euros😉) I eat less bread, because it's not as good (or cheap) here, but I will have the occasional chocolate, ice cream, brownie, cake, pizza or a burger if there is a reason for it. I have learned that if I try to cut down all the sugary sweetness I eventually go off the deep end and it gets ugly.

So to answer the question. I guess. But for me it's just been a journey back to an active lifestyle and a fun new hobby. And hey, if I get re-aquinted with my abs because of it - it's all good. 😘

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Update on Minimalism

In my pursuit for happiness (= minimalism in my head right now), I've made a discovery of my personality. I am picky. This is how I found that out.

I've been going through the steps of creating a dream wardrobe. And let me say thank you Pinterest, because getting dressed has evidently become a scientific experiment that no normal person can manage in their own.

For those of you still in the shopping is my cardio-zone here's what you are supposed (😜) to do to achieve that killer wardrobe.

Step1 the purge

Clearing out the closet. Donate, throw away, keep. I got that down so bad that I actually had to stop before I was happy or I would've had to join a nudist community.

Step 2 design your style 

This is the best excuse ever to enjoy the world of Pinterest😍, the haven of visual people. Identifying that I have three different roles that I need to function was the key point. There is the work-at-home-busy-mom-of-active-boys-do-it-while-looking-32-and-cute-Maiju. Ha! Easy😜. This turns into outfits that have to be comfortable, but look nice. If I stay in my pajamas the whole day, I won't be able to kick in the work-Maiju. I also don't want to wear a suit at home. Nooooot. So I identified that easy uniform for this is some cute blouse and shorts, maybe a stretchy dress or skirt - sometimes. 

The other Maiju is business Maiju. Very minimal role in my life but sometimes I do need to attend meetings and look professional. It can't be just one outfit, so the customers don't think I only have one dress. I have one dress now. 😝

Then I have the coach-Maiju. It's hot. Like really really hot. And I can easily have 17 kids to coach. And I didn't prepare to have this role in Tanzania. Still no idea what to wear to be comfy, not sweating like 🐷 in 2 minutes, and also somehow not be too naked. Respecting the fact that there is a mixture of cultures going on here.

Step 3 shop to complete
The shopping is supposed to be about grabbing pieces that will bring together the whole wardrobe and makes it mix-and-matchable. In Tanzania. Yeah, right.😎

So I'm back in being picky. I keep going to shop and coming back with empty hands. This is coming from a person that at age 14 was given an hour to shop (this was a competition trip and tight schedule) and actually came back with one of those massive sacks (jätesäkki) full of clothes. Is it Tanzania? Have I changed? The directions keep saying that really think if you want to bring this item into your home, will it match with several other pieces? Will it? WILL IT? And I keep running out of the shop in panic thinking it won't, it won't... 

So I've become picky. Who would've thought??? And soon will be writing my application to the nudist community.

Enjoy your day!!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Hey, it's Easter..flu

I caught flu last Friday night. Unfortunately on the worst possible moment, since Saturday morning I had 5 hours of OPEN GYM coaching: parents are welcomed to the class and will observe every little thing I do with their little Angels. I actually do enjoy this type of class, that I do every season, but doing it when you are sick is not a piece of cake! My savior became the last bag of Finrexing (FYI Päivi I hope you can top me up on your next route over here) - the magical fairy enegry flu kicking dust that makes you feel invinsible for about 4 hours. There was no evil feedback so maybe I managed ok :)

But the flu stuck. Normally I can kick almost anything in a day or two but it's now Thursday and this is the first day I feel a bit better - and when I say better I'm about a cm above "oh my &/((%%("#, I will die with this flu" and heading towards "it's ok I can't breath or talk or hear that well, I don't feel like I'm dying anymore". My super kit of natural and medical remedies are helping me push through this. It has to be over soon. Right? Pretty pleaaase????

Needless to say last Sunday was not very Eastery for us. I'm glad there is the second weekend to work on that, and get some egg hunting going on around the house for my little monkeys. For now, I'm happy that Suomi-koulu classes brought some Easter feeling into this house.