Thursday, April 2, 2015

Hey, it's Easter..flu

I caught flu last Friday night. Unfortunately on the worst possible moment, since Saturday morning I had 5 hours of OPEN GYM coaching: parents are welcomed to the class and will observe every little thing I do with their little Angels. I actually do enjoy this type of class, that I do every season, but doing it when you are sick is not a piece of cake! My savior became the last bag of Finrexing (FYI Päivi I hope you can top me up on your next route over here) - the magical fairy enegry flu kicking dust that makes you feel invinsible for about 4 hours. There was no evil feedback so maybe I managed ok :)

But the flu stuck. Normally I can kick almost anything in a day or two but it's now Thursday and this is the first day I feel a bit better - and when I say better I'm about a cm above "oh my &/((%%("#, I will die with this flu" and heading towards "it's ok I can't breath or talk or hear that well, I don't feel like I'm dying anymore". My super kit of natural and medical remedies are helping me push through this. It has to be over soon. Right? Pretty pleaaase????

Needless to say last Sunday was not very Eastery for us. I'm glad there is the second weekend to work on that, and get some egg hunting going on around the house for my little monkeys. For now, I'm happy that Suomi-koulu classes brought some Easter feeling into this house.

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