Do you know the feeling when you finally figure something out? Something that you have been trying to conquer, trying to solve and you finally after years, yes YEARS, of thinking and wondering you just have it. And it has been there the whole time. You were just too busy worth other stuff to realize.
I have been racking my brain over about "who do I want to be when I grow up". I know, I'm 32 years old, I should be all grown up already but even though I've gotten my dream husband and gorgeous sons, my own ambitions have not been geared towards anything special. I've enjoyed my working life but not to the extent of calling it a passion or feeling anxious over the weekend wanting to get back to work. And I wanted that. I've always wanted that. But I have never put it to the top of my to do list.
Along the way I've realized three things:
1) just because you are good at something, doesn't mean you should be doing that. applies also to just because your mom/dad/boyfriend/neighbor/teacher thinks you could be something doesn't mean you should..
2) we end up working around 100 000 hours of our lives. This is more time than we spend on sleeping, eating or having fun. We should enjoy what we do. Because why the hell not???
3) you might not get all your boxes ticked from the same source. If you can't pinpoint your dream job it might not exist. Create it or a combination of your likes that makes you feel satisfied all around in the end.
I can't say that my parents sat us down and told us life wisdoms when we were kids, but something that my dad told me over 10 years ago has hounted my thoughts for a very long time. I say hounted because I just didn't know how to apply it to my life. "If your job is about something you love, your hobby or a passion, is there anything better than that?"
My dream is not finalized, nor do I have a clear roadmap to how to reach it, but now, finally, I have a blurry water color of it which means I can start refining it. And I can have fun along the way...