And of course because life would not be fun otherwise I get a massive bacterial infection on my leg. Wuhuu!. So last week was spent in and out of doctors' offices to get me back to normal. Healing is finally happening but definitely harming my productivity. Anxiety is settling in and I'm trying find coping methods in an effort of not becoming the wicked witch by the time that we board the plane.
So I'm making lists of things to do, I'm listening to calming music, making healthy snacks, ticking of todo's and making plans of taking care of those items. I'm learning to say no, and learning to seize control and relax too. Organizing, cleaning and breathing through my anxiety. I'm painting my nails (so I won't bite them into nothingness) and taking moments to myself. And using my innate finn-ness to bite my teeth together, put on a smile and go coach even when all I would want to do is take a strong pain killer and have some sleep.
How come it's always like this? I'm seriously going to put a reminder in 1 October 2016 to start taking care of things for end of season craze. Until that happens - I'll be busy figuring out 10 different performances for the groups, the set up, music, getting the message to everyone on time and writing a feedback to each and every child over 5.... But hey, in two days I can start playing Christmas music. There's always that to keep me going...