I know. I’ve said it before and I will keep saying it again. Where is all the time going??? I got a call and an email from work last week on my thoughts on going back.. ME??? To WORK?? Hello, people I just had a baby. But the thing is, Julius is already over five months old, and time is running. Decisions to be made…
As in many other families it comes down to money. After the first nine months at home the income government supplies drops down dramatically. So, now it’s time to do some math and figure out if I’d be able to stay home until the end of this year. That would be my dream. That would put my heart at ease. But we will see.

Toes are the new favorite thing..
Chose his sport already...
Update on the little boy:
Or not so little as it seems. Julius had his 5 month appointment and weighed glorious 8680g and was 69,5 cm tall. In comparison, Daniel was a kilo heavier when he was born but at 5 months only 7 kg’s and 66 cm. So Julius likes food - or my milk is some super hormone juice that makes him grow abnormally fast. (Maybe I could bottle it up and sell it on Ebay :) ) He also is super social (african genes) and already into playing drums (again, purely african). Loves loves loves taking baths and attending his swimming class. He still sleeps nice, on a normal night anyways (NOT last night, though - I had to get up like four times, which is alot to me). And his starting to have his daily rhythm down.
Wake up 08:30 - food
Playing with äiti until 10:30ish then nap
Napping for 2-4 hours and food again
Play time until 17-17:30 then down for a short nap
And again playing until 20 when another short nap
21 bath
22 bed
I still wish he’d go to bed a bit earlier, but I think when the long day time nap becomes shorter, he will start doing that. And I think after he starts getting some other food than my milk, I will also make it a bit easier to structure the day.
He a big boy already… Again, where did the time go????