Monday, October 19, 2015

Happy Birthday Julius

I can't believe Julius is five. FIVE. Five. Five. It's been such a hectic two months that this post is long overdue and actually he is already way more than that. Time seems to have that habit, or has been having that habit for the past five years.

I remember when Julius was born, and the older and wiser told be to savor every moment because all too soon he won't be a baby anymore. I'm glad to say that while getting more and more independent and strong he still enjoys a cuddle with äiti and baba. Handsome, cute and kind. But within this year he has become even more confident and is not afraid of defending himself. His sense of justice is beyond his years. If there is any incident at school he is not afraid to bring it out and confront the people doing wrong. For this I couldn't be more proud of him. I guess he is our little Mandela.

My sweet sweet Julius. I am so proud of you. Proud of the little man you are becoming. Proud of the confidence you are finding. You astonish me with you memories (of things that happened when you were two) and you incredible language skills. Your kindness and loving care makes my heart melt. Always stay strong, confident and kind. That combination doesn't come by very often. Rakastan sinua - äärettömän paljon.

He got the most amazing party with Aaron and Alex. (Hey, why not?) The boys didn't ask even once why are they sharing the party, and because the joined effort the party was all the more fun. Swimming, food, treasure hunt and cake. What else do you need???

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