For a while now I've been thinking about my job. As much as I love working with the people on the 7th floor, and all of my colleagues around the country after the year changed I started to feel un-challenged with the actual work I was doing. So finally before summer vacation I decided that I'm too young to give up on my dreams and applied for a better position within If.
They took me through a phone interview, interview with the "future boss" and his superior, as well as an in-depth personality analysis. And today I finally got the news that I had been hoping for. Starting on November 1 I will be a sales manager at the small enterprices business unit!!! I couldn't believe it when I got the call - I barely had the patience to stay focused while I was talking to the boss, and even with my lowered energy level (due to the flu) I found myself jumping up and down as soon as I hung up the phone.
He told me that I had truly impressed him during the interview, and then he revealed that there had been 46 other applicants!!! I am so glad I did not know that before today, it just would have put so much more pressure on me, and I might not have been so relaxed and ME during the process.
So, now I have two months to get ready for the change - I can't wait to take on this challenge!!!!