Monday, February 10, 2014

Life with a/c

So it had to happen. Julius got a bad rash which evolved into a full-blown skin infection.
The heat just made him itch and scratch more, and when I say more I don't mean just a little scratch with some blood, but 50-60% of his body missing some degree of skin. A visit to our trusted physician was in order. Antibiotics. I hate how they are over used but his time they were truly in order. Most of his skin is as good as new, one arm is still giving us issues. We anyways had a follow up for tomorrow so we can see if we need stronger meds. He's been amazing though. If someone ever thinks he is weak, be warned. This little three year old can handle pain better than most grownups. He wants to scream and cry but all I see is his mouth open in agony. Consequently there has been lots of "j gets to choose the cartoon to watch, and what we are eating etc etc.". Once the wounds have been cleaned and covered, he can be smiling and laughing with his cousins in a matter of minutes, never mind that the arm hurts or that he is all bandaged up. He amazes me with his strength.

Because of this we had to put a/c to our room. Anyone who has ever scratched themselves in a hot bath or sauna knows that you easily scratch too deep. Well this heat was itching him and making the skin a bit too vulnerable for his nightly scratching (his so good about not starching when he's awake, but in his sleep he can get out of control and only wake up when it's too late). So now we keep the room at comfy 25, imagine we were all grabbing heavy blankets the first night because it was so cold. I guess we have adjusted a bit already.

Otherwise life is settling to its rhythm. Miracously I've even had my first girls night out since probably at least a year ago, and made some new friend-like people... At this age I didn't know it's still possible. I'm teaching Suomi-koulu two times a week and I can feel that even that is becoming smooth sailing. Yes I need to plan and prepare, but the kids know and trust me now. 

I just received a message of someone looking for a gymnastics coach... Oh my, seriously, already??? <3

Art from the patient:

1) Julius and Max 
2) Jero, day care friend from Finland
3) another pic of little brother: very accurate: he is upside down most of the time
4) baba - he thought it was so funny to put him blond hair :)

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