He kept us waiting two days past my due date, and I was anxious to meet him. During those last days I kept increasing exercise, visited sauna often and just waited and waited. The funny thing is that when the labor actually started I didn't even realize it at first.
Here's how the day went.
My biggest fear was that I would feel my labor pain in my back. I've heard that it's the worst kind of labor pain there is... So of course, my luck, that is exactly what happened. On August 27 I started to wake up with some pain during the night, but as I told earlier it didn't dawn on me that it was the real deal. For a few weeks before that, I'd had contractions everytime I would move my position, so at night, feeling sleepy I didn't realize that the pain came before I got up.
Around five in the morning I gave up though, and decided that I need to go sit in a hot shower to ease the pain. I kept secretly hoping that that day would be the day we would get to meet our little miracle, but at the same time I tried to be realistic that it could end any minute.
But they kept coming and kept getting worse. So after having regular contractions every eight minute for a bit over two hours, we started to make a plan for the day.

Just breathing at home
Tonny went to work and took me to my mom's place, since I didn't want to stay alone, and mom has a bathtub :D. We also didn't want Tonny to stay home, incase it would end. At this point the pain was intense, but nothing I couldn't breath through. Around nine I was at mom's and almost straight away decided to take a bath. The hot water felt amazing on my back, since that was still the place all the pain was in. I actually had to check that my belly hardened to be sure that they were contractions (since I don't have that much experience on this..). The bath is supposed to relax and even slow things down, but even though it felt good, and relaxed me a bit, the contractions started coming every 5-6 minutes. It didn't seem like it would end, and between the contractions it started to register to me that I will have my baby that day.
Mom helped me with some massaging and even Daniel was there pretending to be a little doctor. The horrible thing was that, I started vomiting again. Nothing new to this pregnancy, but let me say that vomiting and contracting at the same time - not very fun! Those moment made me feel I will never make it.
Around two I started to feel like that I can't take the pain any longer. I called Tonny to come to mom's and Minna came to pick Daniel up. We had already decided to have my mom with us during the delivery, in case of any language issues. So finally after all that, the three of us took the trip to the hospital. As a plus the car seat warmer really helped along the way - in front of the hospital getting up was torture already. We got in and I went in for an examination. They made sure baby's heart was beating ok, and then checked me out. My second fear was that they would say that I'm barely anything along and would send me back home. Luckily that didn't happen, and I actually started crying from relief when she told me that it's going to happen today, I was already at 4 cm.

Putting the aqua
After that I took a quick shower, and changed (possibly the most horrible clothes change in my life!) At this point my back wouldn't relax completely in between the contractions, any ANY movement made it worse. Upstair at the delivery ward I was recommended to take these aqua bladders (basically just water inserted just under the skin) to my back. It hurts so bad, like a bad bee sting, but finally relief! I remember saying to the midwife that now I can finally look at people in their eyes again.
I headed back to the shower and poured hot water on my body. Now that the back was at peace (even if it was only for a very short time) I finally felt some pain in my belly also. Also the sides of my legs started to burn with every contraction. I was lucky though, because between every contraction I got a nice break.
At some point it didn't seem like enough though and I started to take laughing gas also. I didn't enjoy it at all since now my contractions started to come two in a row, so I always ended up taking it for so long that it affected my legs and everything. But it made some time pass and at the next check up I had progressed to 6 cm and they were able to break my waters and give me a para cervical injection to ease the pain. After that when the pain started to become too much again, and I thought I would have to take an epidural (which I was ready for incase the pain would become too much) the midwife told me that there is no need for that anymore since I was at 10 cm and could start pushing soon. We had to wait a while since the baby was in a angle, but soon enough it was time and 18 minutes later, at 19.33, baby Julius was in my arms. I'm not going to lie, it hurt so much, but my midwife did such a good job in aiding him out that even Tonny said that it looked so easy and natural.
Brand new
My first thought was that HE is SO SMALL... and I just wanted to protect him from all the bad things in the world. I cried a little - he made me so happy... I was able to hold him immediately and he ate for the first time before he was even one hour old. From the moment that I arrived at the hospital it had only been 3,5 hours until I had him. I felt so lucky because I was able to stay comfortably at home for a very long time.
Proud dad
After a while Tonny and the midwife went to take his measurements height 50 cm and weight 3485 g, and to give him a bath. Then we were served some tea and sandwiches (finally I didn't feel like vomiting anymore!) and thanked God for our amazing little boy. Two hours later we were transferred to the new born ward.
Tonny went home that night and I stayed with the baby... I don't think either of us was able to sleep that night... The baby slept though, and I kept checking that he is breathing. I guess that is what every new mom does :D
Two days old
We stayed at the hospital for less than two days, since I was ok and little Julius was eating and sleeping well.
Daddy dressing him into his "going home" clothes
Let's go!!