So, I stole some ideas (like any good housewife) from Eevi's blog. I really wanted to have our door decorated all the way :P. The thing is that since I suck at these things, and was able to find a basic instruction on Tiimari's website, I thought that if I just go to the shop they'll be able to give me good pointer's to make it easier. In the end, I did not get any good customer service.. Turns out that I knew MUCH more about how to go about it.. What a disappointment, but I decided not to let it put me down, or give up, so here's the result :D
the door
I had some ornaments left over so I copy/pasted another idea also. Looks sweet, at least in my opinion.
So maybe I'm not the best and most natural in artsy type things but I've tried and I was able to finish something. (OK, I had to go to the shop three times in total, but in the end I was able to finish it :D)
Now the real preparations start. I've still got some more christmas shopping to do, and then on Sunday we are cleaning the whole house from top to bottom (WE=Tonny and I), and then on buying all the food items as well as cooking ... The pork will enter the oven early Wednesday morning, so it'll be finished late that night. It'll be my second time cooking it so I'm still a bit nervours about it. Luckily I have a big family and they all have agreed to back me up in case of problems.
Don't you love doing something that is "out of your comfort zone"? The decorations are beautiful.