Living life as a white immigrant in Dar es Salaam. Mother of two beautiful boys. A wife. Someone who has found happiness in living a simple life and following minimalist principles.
Monday, December 21, 2009
4 weeks and 4 days pregnant
Time goes so slowly. Can't wait for it to show so I can share it with everyone :D All I want this angel to stay strong...
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Starting to Panic
I feel nautious all the time - too soon or what?
I want to sleep 24 hours a day - that's just me??
Questions questions questions, I feel that I'm already overwhelmed, and want my mom. Of course she's in Thailand for the next three weeks. When she comes back - I'll be already 7 weeks pregnant... Then can I get an ultrasound and make sure my beautiful angel is ok???
Trying to relax, but I'm supposed to clean the house... Don't want to. I just want to think about the baby and google everything baby related... arggghhhhh...
Friday, December 18, 2009
Oh My...
Yesterday I thought that even though my period is not late yet I'll do the test. And very suprisingly I turns out that I am pregnant. I know I know, we have to wait and see how things turn out, but twice the test said that YES, you are! I feel different already. I feel important. I just pray everything will go on as it is supposed to.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Stealing Decoration Tips
So, I stole some ideas (like any good housewife) from Eevi's blog. I really wanted to have our door decorated all the way :P. The thing is that since I suck at these things, and was able to find a basic instruction on Tiimari's website, I thought that if I just go to the shop they'll be able to give me good pointer's to make it easier. In the end, I did not get any good customer service.. Turns out that I knew MUCH more about how to go about it.. What a disappointment, but I decided not to let it put me down, or give up, so here's the result :D
I had some ornaments left over so I copy/pasted another idea also. Looks sweet, at least in my opinion.
So maybe I'm not the best and most natural in artsy type things but I've tried and I was able to finish something. (OK, I had to go to the shop three times in total, but in the end I was able to finish it :D)
Now the real preparations start. I've still got some more christmas shopping to do, and then on Sunday we are cleaning the whole house from top to bottom (WE=Tonny and I), and then on buying all the food items as well as cooking ... The pork will enter the oven early Wednesday morning, so it'll be finished late that night. It'll be my second time cooking it so I'm still a bit nervours about it. Luckily I have a big family and they all have agreed to back me up in case of problems.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Show Must Go On
So earlier this fall I realized that it's impossible for me to go on like I used to. Work was bringing new challenges to me and while I absolutely love gymnastics, going to coach every day after work just didn't motivate me anymore. So I reduced, ALOT. For the past few months I've been coaching only twice a week, and the group I work with is just so amazing.
They're all aged between 4 to 6 years old, and there is 13 girls all at once. Suffice to say, not a super easy task to be teaching them gymnastics, but it has offered a great diversion from everything else. For one hour a week there is nothing else on my mind than just the girls.
Yesterday was the season ending Christmas show for the whole club. And we were to perform as well. It would be the first time that we put on a show, and needless to say I had some trouble coming up with a routine since I feel that the biggest thing we learned this season was how to stand in a queue. :D
So, it wasn't perfect, (most of the time at least one of the kids was not doing what they were supposed to) but it was so sweet, and I did not stop smiling the whole way through... AND they looked so so cute with their Santa hats as sparkly clothes (this was not mandatory, but for some reason it was the hit of the day :D).
Can't wait for next year when I get to start working with them again.
Christmas List
When I was a kid it was always hard for me to understand the pressure that mom's go through to set everything up for the big day. And now, for the first Christmas at our own home, as husband and wife, I get that same feeling, "need", to get everything perfect. I wouldn't describe the feeling to be negative at all, just a little extra kick in the b-hind to get things going.
So, for me, a way to release a stress of multiple tasks has been making a list of all the things that I need to do. It works in two ways - 1) I don't have to worry that I'll forget anything 2) I get a nice feeling of accomplishment when I can tick off any given task from the list.
So here's my pre-Christmas list:
1. finish all the laundry
2. separate good usable clothes off the ones that I don't use
3. clean the closet
4. organize office and corridor closets again
5. storage everything unnecessary (esp. cd's, dvd's and books)
6. bring out decorations
7. make new decorations
8. clean thoroughly
9. decorate
10. try to do something to office
11. storage wedding dress + other wedding things
decoration things for door
outside decorations
Christmas present for mum
Minna's, Aki's birthday present
Daniel's name's day present
table for corridor
look for a chair
lamp for corner
lamp for living room
big vase for decorations
small basket for table
take pics to be framed
talk to dad about hanging the pics
buy presents for rest of the family
table cloths
take Tonny's watch to be fixed
Lot's to do, but not impossible. At least I have a hubby to help me. Christmas is fun, right??
Friday, December 4, 2009
Dreaming of a White Christmas
I'm being a good housewife and cooking the whole christmas meal, with a huge KINKKU and everything. It's nice, for the first time in years I get to spend the chirstmas in a place that feels like HOME and with family. I don't know when was the last time I did that. For years now my christmas has been a bit of a chaos. Normally we try to divide the day smoothly between my mom and dad and always end up feeling like we failed totally. I just can't wait when we have children of our own and it truly becomes a huge family gathering. Kids just make Christmas feel so much nicer and their precense gives a good reason to be silly and go all crazy with decorations and preparations.
I actually have a big Christmas wish this year.. but I'll let you know whether I got it or not only after.. ;)
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Happy Father's Day!!
I absolutely love holidays. It gives such an great excuse to gather up some family members and spend some time with them. I know, I know, I could just do that on any other Sunday as well but life happens... Lame I know... And it's something that I truly want to be better at, but at least until I master that I can still enjoy family moments on a any given holiday.
Today of course being the father's day, so I decided to invite DAD and grandma... They're such amazing guests - no dull moment around when they're over. I love the fact that now that we have our own place, it just seems much more nice to have people around..
I'm so glad they came, and SO SO proud of my hubby, he actually remembered to whip out the camera and we were able to freeze this moment..
Tonny and Mummu
Three generations of Kemppi
I think these photos will make up a nice christmas present for Mummu. (I'm already sooo exited about x-mas coming so soon, can't wait to push kinkku in the oven and have to whole family over...)Friday, November 6, 2009
Week 1
My boss gave me the opportunity to chill and get to know everyone for this first week. But since I basically knew everyone already, the days without any program have been quite boring. I love the job, I'm just too wired to enjoy the moment of peace before the stress begings.
I made some first calls yesterday, and it went well, but making appointments for the next three weeks was not so easy because of I'll be spending quite many days away from the office. And in my opinnion if I make an appointment for like a month from now - they are sure to forget about it.. So I will try again next week. At least then I can make appointments for two weeks from now.
On another note I've started to get excited about studying again. I've been searching the internet for possible places to do my masters - while working of course. I have couple of different options so I hope it will work out somehow for next fall. I don't feel "ready" yet - preferably I still want to do my master's in business administration but also a whole another degree in a more specific field. My issue is that I can't seem to decide what that other field might be. I have wishes about social politics, and I guess also insurance.. but only time will tell I guess. I just feel so OLD already....
So many things I want to do - and so little time.. And the hardest thing for me is to focus on living in the moment and stop planning so much!
Friday, October 30, 2009
My love "the artist"
Check it out
What can I say?? Just so proud!
Time for a change has come in my life as well. Today is the last day that I work as an assistant and starting on monday I will officially be a "sales manager". Getting nervous... I'll keep you updated on how the first day goes.
First tough I have a nice weekend ahead of me. Today I get to jump on a train and ride it all the way to Espoo to see Katja and Aki. And OF COURSE Julianna. That baby girl has caught my heart. I'm so exited!!! I've even mostly forgotten that the reason for me to go to Espoo is the National Championships where I'll be judging... but who can think of something like gymnastics when there's a a little cutie waiting for me???
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Hahaa.. Nice memories
This is something I wanted to share with all of you. A clip from the Tampereen Voimistelijat christmas party in 2008. The girls that I used to coach killed it in my opinnion. :D
Hope you enjoy!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Relaxing at the spa
Last weekend we decided to go. For once there was no need to worry what to do and what not to do - the gift certificate gave us the opportunity to spend some serious money. Before hitting the spa though Katja, Aki and I took Daniel to Hoplop (a place for kids to go crazy and have some fun). The boy is so sweet, but you can see that he's not used to trying new things and hanging with other kids. It took him a while but in the end he was enjoying so bad. I even took some photos, but can't get the on this post now, so I'll share them later.
After Tonny finished his jobs for the day we rushed to Nokia, to the spa. After quickly dropping off our things into our room we dived in to a warm mud bath. Sitting there, I could really feel all the tension drifting away and my whole being began to relax. What a nice way to relax and forget about the busy weekdays. After the bath we both had an hour-long massage and facials (:P yes, even Tonny agreed to try it.. :D) So nice...
We went to enjoy some jacuzzi time and swim a bit before hitting the shower and running to the buffet dinner. It's so nice to get away for a bit... sometimes staying at home just doesn't relax you all the way, you end up cleaning and cooking etc. Even if it was just a one night stay in Nokia it made a huge difference. We were also able to sit down and relax for the first time since work and school started again. I'm still in awe how easy our marriage has been so far. It still seems like the whole relationship changed, not that it was stressfull before, but I do feel much more relaxed and at peace nowadays.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Wonderful Sunday + Tonny at the GYM
This fall though is the first time probably for 24 years that I actually can do stuff on my days or even nights off, because now there are more than ever. I only go to coach two times a week and even then just for 1,5 - 2 hours. So, that's why planning to join a gym a month ago about I finally did it. I've been quite good about it as well - I go 2-4 times a week - depending on my other schedule. But even so I have noticed that I have time remaining after that. Working out for an hour + shower and change - it doesn't even total to 2 hours (unless I feel lazy and stay in the sauna a bit longer than might be necessary). It is so nice to notice that I still have time to do what ever I want. I still suck quite alot in actually doing something but at least because I rest the nights during the week, at least a couple, then during weekend I don't feel exhausted.
Yesterday Tonny had his first experience of BodyPump! I loved the fact that he goes for it so full of energy and good spirit, while I would just feel completely scared, with the rest of the group. He did great, and I couldn't help but be very happy this morning when he was complaining that his muscles are hurrrrrrrrrrrrting - means that he really did get something out of it!
Anyways back to the original story. After the gym we were lucky enough to get Lotte to come over to our place. Just to hang. We ended up cooking a nice african meal, and I even got some katchumbari (no idea how to write - but I know how to say it = I can get it, and that's enough :D). And then just lazied on the sofa (we all went to the same bodypump) while watching the City marathon. Clueless enough for it to leave me feeling super rested and ready for the new week.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Muscle pain
As I told you few weeks back I've joined a gym. And to be completely honest I could not be more proud of myself! I've actually started to look forward to the daily dose of exercisining as long as I don't have anything else planned.
Yesterday I decided that I can not spend the whole day cleaning the house and watching tv - so when Tonny went to work I took the opportunity to get a ride to the center and went to Les Mills Body Pump class. The class was so nice and the teacher really made me push myself even further. And of course, I can totally feel it right now! And I LOVE IT!!! Maybe it's my crazy background as a gymnast but I really really love the pain in my muscles. It makes me feel that I really did something rather than just enjoying the class. Double-benefit! I can't wait for next sunday, when I get to go with Tonny. I hope he's gonna enjoy it too.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Because of this, I'm trying to enjoy every moment to the fullest, and trying hard not to get stuck infront of the tv... This week I joined a new gym! So that's something atleast, because I've been planning it for so long now that I really started to bother me already. I'm lucky because If supports this quite alot and from the normal monthly fee of 55 euros I only have to pay 35! The schedule is so great there! I mostly enjoy classes that are dancing or something fun like that and they offer that possibility pretty much every day. Today I'll go and try the hugely advertized Zumba! I just can't wait...
I love going for my hikes or sometimes even for a run :P, but the long winter is coming and I felt like I need some variation to my routine to keep me motivated and hit the goal weight that I'm still working on...
Tonny has to work again, so it will be just me most of the time.. but I'll try to think of something to coock for my love, so it will feel like that I'm doing something towards this marriage as well.
Monday, September 14, 2009
I did it
This morning I could feel the workout all over my body, so I was even smart enough to go for a 45 minute relaxing walk before coming to the office, and now I just feel super energetic.
It's nice that sometimes you are able to surprise even yourself...
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Day of lazyness
I started today by waking up around 8 am.. not very late, but bare in mind that on a weekday I get up at 6.30 so definitely an improvement. Since the whole week I've felt dead tired at night I've missed all the fun tv programs that I normally love to watch. Luckily I had recorded all of them so the day started with watching all of them! Such a fun way of spending couple of hours.
After the laziness on the sofa, I was ready to get some fresh air. Today I opted for a nice walk to the shop, and actually added some excitement by picking up the things I needed to coock a special dinner for tonight. In the end my back bag probably weighted like 15 kg:s so the way back wasn't so nice.
The super coock in me took after another set of tv watching and I was able to make a nice dinner and even my first-ever cheese cake!!! I kicked butt, even though I'm saying it myself! I even added baking fresh bread on top of all, so I truly felt like a little house wife during the process. Dinner was ready the second Tonny walked in, so it was perfect.
After that dinner though I felt such a lazy-bone that decided to do some ab-exercises and I guess tomorrow I need to take myself for a real workout, to kill off all the cheese cake from my hips.
I hope I'll make it up the hill :P
P.S Right now Tonny is asleep - the poor thing is still going to work tonight. I feel so bad that I've done nothing productive today, and he worked the day and the night. I must do something extra nice for him tomorrow!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Beautiful Babies...
Baby Julianna, the newest member of our family. Even though she's not our blood realtive, she has been taken in as she was.. And how could we not when she gives us this cute face to adore.
And our handsome boy Daniel. He's growing up too fast, three years old already. So now he's not so much of a baby anymore, but already telling stories, singin and dancing all the time. Ahh.. how nice is a child's life..
I think we need to get some more babies to the mix. You would think that since there is four of us (my sisters and brother) we would have atleast been able to get to the same number and add some craziness to the mix. Well, we all just have to work on that I guess ;)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Planning a trip
So far places to visit on my list are:
- Ann (a friend from Nicholls)
- New York - just in general
- Grand Canyon, would be awesome
- Ansku (you always miss your lil'sis)
- Las Vegas (I've always wanted to see the craziness there is)
- Los Angeles
I'm also hoping to grab some friends along for atleast some parts of the trip. To me the more the merrier (Tonny has really changed my point-of view in social situations)... At least Katja and Aki have expressed the interest, so there is still hope :D.
So for now, I'm just gathering ideas on what should we do on that trip, if anyone has any good ones, please let me know :D
Monday, September 7, 2009
House warming... pictures
A weekend in Italy

We were able to make some good plans for whatever issue was going on at the moment, and enjoy the beautiful sunshine in Italy, while Tampere is already gearing towards fall (too fast I might add). This weekend made me feel that I do still want to live abroad - do something completely different, and immediately I started to think what could that be.. We have (Tonny and I) been talking alot about going somewhere to do our masters degrees, it will be atleast a couple of years still to go, but it's fun to start planning about it.
Monday, August 31, 2009
The happiness in reaching your goal
They took me through a phone interview, interview with the "future boss" and his superior, as well as an in-depth personality analysis. And today I finally got the news that I had been hoping for. Starting on November 1 I will be a sales manager at the small enterprices business unit!!! I couldn't believe it when I got the call - I barely had the patience to stay focused while I was talking to the boss, and even with my lowered energy level (due to the flu) I found myself jumping up and down as soon as I hung up the phone.
He told me that I had truly impressed him during the interview, and then he revealed that there had been 46 other applicants!!! I am so glad I did not know that before today, it just would have put so much more pressure on me, and I might not have been so relaxed and ME during the process.
So, now I have two months to get ready for the change - I can't wait to take on this challenge!!!!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Sick and tired of being sick and tired
Now, if it wasn't for Tonny, I don't know how would I have survived these last couple of days. On friday I woke up feeling so sick that when I went to the doctor's office, I didn't even have the patience to listen. And at the laboratory, where everything usually works so nice and fast I felt like crying when it took 20 minutes for my number to come up. Twenty minutes - just shows how exhausted I was feeling. Luckily I have a good husband who on top of working all days and nights still had energy to cook for me, bring me extra blankets and water, and tea or what ever else I needed at that moment. I can't say how much it made me really appreciate the fact that I have found someone who loves me in sickness and in health. I guess I really put that in sickness to the test this weekend. Today things are starting to look better, the fever has finally burned out and I'm sure that with one more day of rest I'll be as good as new.

But for now, I just need to get back to full strength so I can take my sneaker's for a run :D
Monday, August 24, 2009
Thanks Aki and Katja
Katja and Aki invited us to a get-away-weekend to Aki's parents cottage by the sea. It took us three hours to get there, but it surely was worth the wait. For the first time ever, Tonny and I were able to really experience what is a summer vacation like for most of the finns. We swam straigth from the sauna, had a MÖLKKY competition and ate lost and lots of nice grilled food. And the night ended with a desparately tired group trying to play Trivial pursuit. In the end we had to change some rules around, to actually find a winner, but it was all good fun.
Today (Sunday) after driving home, I even had energy to go for a run! That's how relaxed the weekend left me..
Monday, August 17, 2009
I am so in love with you
It has been a very emotional time after wedding. Naturally different feelings are surfacing and it's been very interesting to deal with it. One of course is people sending their greetings and putting me through the big questions - how did it go? was it amazing? how does it feel now??? But I also feel that I have grown up a bit in the last two weeks. I know that I will always have my parents and Tonny will always have his - but I truly feel that it is us now against all the bad things that might come and also us enjoying everything good that it will bring. We are our own family now - small, but strong.
Here's some more pics from the Finnish wedding.
One of the nice things of getting married has been that we have been receiving so many nice poems, thoughts etc. from family and friends. Very nice words, very inspiring. One of my favourites was a poem from a friend, Laura.
"Onnellinen on se, joka rakastaa. Onnellisempi on se, joka rakkautta saa. Onnellisin on se, joka rakkautta saa siltä jota rakastaa."
To the non-finnish speaking people loose translation: lucky is the person who loves. more lucky is the one who is loved. the luckiest is the on who is loved by the one he loves. How perfect is that? How, in a very simple way, it explains the basic human need - to love, and be loved.
We finally received some photos of the ceremony and celebratin from Tanzania in a digital form (thanks Katja). These are the ones that I want to share with you. Juddy, Tonny's big sis, was complaining that she's not on any of the pics - but you know what, for once I am so glad that these pictures are what they are - pictures of US. It will be so nice to look at them later on and go back to that moment in my mind. To me, our love is showing so clearly in there as well..
And then we went to the beach near Malaika hotel to take some photos and enjoy a moment of peace before the big party. Our families were there as well to share it (and a glass of something cold) with us.
Baby Elisa was one of the flower girls.. :D She was a bit nervous, and did not want to pose for the pictures at all!
So, still missing some party pics but I think you can get the idea from these. The country is so beautiful that so many of the pics turned out nice - and I usually HATE taking photos. Of course it was very easy to keep the smile on my face on that day as well :D
P.S. The best advise came from my grand-mother. In the case of an argument listen to your husband, agree with him and then, just do it your way anyways. This is a woman who was married to her husband, my grand-father, for sixty years, so she should know... :D
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
I DO, part 1

Here's Tonny's boys - Adam as the best man, and John. They both were busy trying to compete on who looks the most handsome. In my opinion - they both rocked their suits.
The ceremony itself took a while, since our Priest, Father Matti Nikkanen, had enjoyed our talk few days before and felt like he wanted to share our thoughts and feelings with everyone. We spoke alot about what love is - what is means to us, and how it takes part in our everyday lives. He told us that there is two kinds of love - love of God and love of man. In the end he concluded on speaking that love is a virtue.
It was so nice of him to use our conversation during the ceremony. We were a little bit nervous about him, because he was the summer replacement of the usual priest who holds the Sunday mass, but the way he had listened to us and was able to bring it up in the wedding was perfect.
I loved every minute of it, but of course the moment of announcing us husband and wife was the most memorable.
Today we are bound by love.
Love is strength, Love is hope, Love is pain, and Love is joy.
Love is family, love is God and love is LOVE.
With this ceremony we join together, with this ceremony,
we become one.
Our families represent the foundation that
life has given us for this marriage, they represent us as
They also give their support, love and faith to our life
together - with pouring of the sand, they bless us.
My sand represents my love for you. Your sand represents your love for me.
Today we are us. As the sand blends together we become one, and like the
mixture of the sand our love can not be parted.

Katja and Minna (with the kids of course) represented my family and Blandina and Patricia Tonny's. And then Tonny and I mixed our colors to symbolize our live's becoming one - and our love being one. As you can not separate two pieces of sand, we can not be separated either. It was something completely new in Finland, and we were lucky that the Priest loved the idea, but I am so glad we did it. Because now and everyday from now I look at the vase filled with all different colors I feel that every singe particle of sand is a representing the love we, and our families share.
After the unity sand Daniel totally made the day by shouting Kiitos paljon! (Thank you very much) just as we finished. Got to love that kid!!!